A Global Virtual Event


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Hope Behind the Headlines

When crisis strikes—whether conflict, natural disaster or climate change—the IRC is there to provide immediate relief and assistance. In the past year, the IRC stepped up during unprecedented emergencies in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Yemen and beyond.

But when the headlines fade and the world turns away, IRC teams remain to make a difference. Day in and day out, the IRC is in the world’s toughest places helping people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster survive, recover and rebuild their lives.

And it’s not just our staff who make our work possible. Every day, the refugees and displaced people we serve are inspiring hope and making a lasting impact in their communities.

Join our Global Virtual Event and honor the vital work of the IRC teams, and the courage and resilience of refugees and displaced people around the world.

الأمل بعيداً عن دائرة الضوء

لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية (IRC) حاضرة دوماً لتقديم الإغاثة وتوفير المساعدة العاجلة في العديد من الأزمات حول العالم سواء بسبب النزاعات أو الكوارث الطبيعية أو التغير المناخي. وقد تدخلت لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية العام الماضي خلال حالات الطوارئ غير المسبوقة في أفغانستان، وأوكرانيا واليمن وغيرها.

ولكن عندما تتوارى العناوين الرئيسية ويولي العالم ظهره، تظل فرق لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية تعمل بلا كلل لإحداث فرق كبير على أرض الواقع. ويومًا بعد يوم، تتواجد لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية في أصعب المواقع حول العالم لمساعدة اللاجئين والنازحين على البقاء على قيد الحياة والتعافي وإعادة بناء حياتهم.
لم يكن من الممكن تحقيق تلك الإنجازات بسواعد موظفينا وحدهم، بل يجسد اللاجئون والنازحون الذين نخدمهم كل يوم الأمل الذي ننشده بفضل عملهم دون كلل من أجل صنع تأثير إيجابي دائم في مجتمعاتهم.

انضم إلى حدثنا الافتراضي العالمي واحتفل بالجهود الاستثنائية لفرق لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية، وشجاعة وصمود اللاجئين والنازحين في جميع أنحاء العالم.


Lorsqu’une crise frappe, qu’il s’agisse d’un conflit, d’une catastrophe naturelle ou d’un événement climatique, l’IRC répond à l’appel en apportant des secours immédiats. Au cours de l’année écoulée, l’IRC a accéléré la cadence pour faire face à des urgences sans précédents en Afghanistan, en Ukraine, au Yémen et ailleurs.

Cependant, lorsque les gros titres s’estompent dans l’esprit du public, les équipes IRC restent sur place et continuent leur travail en coulisse. Jour et après jour, l’IRC œuvre dans les régions les plus difficiles au monde, aidant les réfugiés et les déplacés internes à survivre, à se rétablir et à reconstruire leur vie.

Mais nos employés ne sont pas les seuls à remercier pour ce travail. Les réfugiés et les déplacés internes que nous servons sont une source d’inspiration et d’espoir, et leur impact sur les communauté est durable

Participez à notre événement virtuel mondial pour célébrer non seulement le travail vital des équipes de l’International Rescue Committee, mais aussi le courage et la résilience des réfugiés et des déplacés internes dans le monde entier.


Wann immer eine Krise ausbricht – sei es ein Konflikt, eine Naturkatastrophe oder der Klimawandel – ist das International Rescue Committee (IRC) zur Stelle und leistet Soforthilfe und Unterstützung. Im vergangenen Jahr hat das IRC in noch nie dagewesenen Notsituationen in Afghanistan, in der Ukraine, im Jemen und weiteren Regionen seine Arbeit aufgenommen.

Wenn dann die Schlagzeilen verblassen und die Welt sich abwendet, bleiben die IRC-Teams, um etwas zu bewirken. Tag für Tag ist das IRC an den schwierigsten Orten der Welt im Einsatz und hilft Flüchtlingen und Binnenvertriebenen, zu überleben, sich zu erholen und ihr Leben wieder aufzubauen.

Dabei sind es nicht nur unsere Mitarbeiter, die unsere Arbeit möglich machen. Jeden Tag wecken die Flüchtlinge und Vertriebenen, denen wir helfen, Hoffnung und bewirken nachhaltige Veränderungen in ihren Gemeinschaften.

Nehmen Sie an unserem globalen virtuellen Event teil und feiern Sie die lebenswichtige Arbeit der Teams des International Rescue Committee sowie den Mut und die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Flüchtlingen und Vertriebenen in aller Welt.


Cuando una crisis estalla, que sea un conflicto, un desastre natural o un evento climático, el IRC brinda asistencia y socorros de inmediato, Durante el año pasado, el IRC ha acelerado el paso frente a emergencias sin precedentes en Afganistán, en Ucrania, en Yemen in en otros lugares.

Sin embargo, cuando los titulares cambian y el mundo se olvida, los equipos del IRC siguen trabajando. Día tras día, en los lugares más difíciles, el IRC ayuda a los refugiados y a los desplazados internos a sobrevivir, a restablecerse y a reconstruir sus vidas.

Y este trabajo es posible con la ayuda no solamente de nuestros empleados, sino también de otros. Los refugiados y los desplazados internes a quienes servimos a diario nos inspiran, son una fuente de esperanza y tienen un impacto duradero en sus comunidades.

Participe en nuestro evento virtual mundial para celebrar el trabajo vital de los equipos del International Rescue Committee, así como el valor y la resiliencia de los refugiados y de los desplazados internos del mundo.


När krisen slår till – oavsett om det handlar om konflikt, naturkatastrof eller klimatförändringar – finns International Rescue Committee (RESCUE) där på plats för att ge omedelbar hjälp och stöd. Under det senaste året har RESCUE kommit till undsättning i aldrig tidigare skådade nödsituationer i Afghanistan, Ukraina, Jemen och vidare.

Även efter rubrikerna inte längre uppmärksammas och folk börjar fokusera på annat, stannar RESCUEs team och gör skillnad. Dag ut och dag in befinner sig RESCUE på världens tuffaste platser och hjälper flyktingar och internflyktingar att överleva, återhämta sig och bygga upp sina liv.

Och det är inte bara vår personal som gör vårt arbete möjligt. Varje dag inspirerar flyktingarna och de fördrivna människorna vi betjänar hopp och gör ett bestående inflytande i sina samhällen.

Var med på vårt globala virtuella evenemang och fira det viktiga arbete som utförs av vårt RESCUEs team, modet och motståndskraften hos flyktingar och fördrivna människor runt om i världen.

Freedom Award Honoree

The Syrian American Medical Society

Doctors, Nurses, Ambulance Drivers and Staff

The 2022 Freedom Award will be given to SAMS, The Syrian American Medical Society. SAMS is dedicated to delivering life-saving services, revitalizing health systems during crises, and promoting medical education via a network of humanitarians in Syria, the U.S. and beyond.

Featured Speakers and Performers



Yola released her critically acclaimed debut album “Walk Through Fire” in February 2019. Nine months later, she achieved breakout success, and was hailed as a Black British genre fluid rising star. She landed four GRAMMY® nominations including Best New Artist, garnering critical acclaim and fans from Elton John to Mavis Staples. Her anthemic new album “Stand for Myself” – which was released in the summer of 2021 and produced by Dan Auerbach – received two GRAMMY® nominations for Best Americana Album and Best American Roots Song, was released in summer of 2021 and produced by Dan Auerbach. It is a sonic mix of symphonic soul and classic pop tracing a musical thread to Yola’s most eclectic musical inspirations. It declares that it is only when we stand for ourselves, and acknowledge our complexity, that we can be truly alive. She will resume her headline U.S. tour later this year, with shows including New York’s Webster Hall. Yola plays Sister Rosetta Tharpe in Baz Luhrmann’s musical drama exploring the life of Elvis, played by Austin Butler, alongside Tom Hanks, Kelvin Harrison Jr and Alton Mason.

Mandy Patinkin

Mandy Patinkin

Mandy Patinkin embodies the IRC’s commitment to empowering refugees and raising their voices and stories. He has visited the IRC’s programming in Jordan, Greece, Germany, Italy, Uganda and multiple IRC offices across the United States. Mandy and his wife Kathryn take every opportunity to draw awareness and compassion for the plight of displaced people everywhere.

Yo-Yo Ma

Yo-Yo Ma

Yo-Yo Ma was born in 1955 to Chinese parents living in Paris, where he began to study the cello with his father at age four. Three years later, he moved with his family to New York City, continuing his studies at the Juilliard School. After his conservatory training, he sought out a liberal arts education, graduating from Harvard in 1976. Yo-Yo’s career is a testament to his faith in culture’s power to generate the trust and understanding essential to a strong society. This belief inspired Yo-Yo to establish the global cultural collective Silkroad, and, more recently, to set out on the Bach Project — a six-continent tour of J. S. Bach’s suites for solo cello and an invitation to a larger conversation about culture, society and the themes that connect us all.


Rami Malek

Rami Malek is well known for his Oscar-winning role as Freddie Mercury, the legendary musician and refugee from Zanzibar. Rami is a first-generation American born to Egyptian parents and cares deeply about issues facing immigrant and refugee families. He is a proud supporter of the IRC’s mission and is an advocate for welcoming refugees worldwide.

Lucas Englander

Lucas Englander

Lucas Englander is an actor from Vienna, Austria, and an IRC Ambassador. He became interested in acting around the age of 18, after his high school music teacher asked him and two fellow students to perform a short improvisation in front of class. In 2013 he studied acting in NYC at the Stella Adler Studio and continued training among others at Jacques Lecoq in Paris, and with Samuel Nunez in Berlin.

Since then, he’s acted in over 30 projects on screen, playing a variety of minor to leading roles. In 2021 he was in the selection for Best Newcomer for the French Film Awards, the César, with Marc Fitoussi’s “Les Apparences.” France has adopted him, and Lucas has been working on a multitude of French movies and series.

Upcoming releases include Anissa Bonnefont’s “La Maison,” Louis Farge’s “Elle’s Kitchen” and the Airlift produced US/EU Netflix original series “Transatlantic,” that tells the story of the ERC in 1940’s Marseille. Transatlantic is the story of the ERC, which eventually became the IRC.



The Billboard chart-topping singer Faouzia was born in Morocco and emigrated to Canada at the age of one. Her interest in protecting and empowering women and girls inspires her music and humanitarian activism with the International Rescue Committee.


Ebony Obsidian

Ebony Obsidian is an actress and humanitarian inspired by her mother and grandmother who fled Eritrea to Sudan, eventually resettling in the United States. As a first-generation American, Ebony has witnessed the power of welcome. Currently starring in Tyler Perry’s “Sistas” on BET, Amazon’s “Hunters,” and Hulu’s “Wu-Tang: The Saga,” Ebony’s star is on the rise.


The Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus

War-torn villages, bloodshed, refugee camps, famine and political turmoil were devastating realities for many of these young singers before being embraced by the warmth, companionship and harmony that the Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus provides. Based in Portland, Maine, the chorus unites young women and children from diverse backgrounds to sing as one. Founded by five-time Emmy-Nominated television producer Con Fullam, the chorus has welcomed over 300 girls representing 40 countries with a 100 percent high school graduation and an 85 percent post-secondary education rate. Through the healing power of music, these brave young women have learned to trust, hope and laugh again.

Help people affected
by humanitarian crises

Your support helps people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster in the world’s toughest places to survive, recover and rebuild their lives.
